
one of the dozens of things i like to do include baking. ever since young, i absolutely loved being in the kitchen. be it to cook, or bake. but having a sweet tooth like i do, i obviously leaned towards baking. in fact, during the 2020 Circuit-Breaker due to Covid-19, i opened up a mini home-baking business selling Nutella Tarts. in the market, Nutella Tarts are around $25 per 50 pieces. as i thought on how to make my business stand out, i sold 80 pieces at $12. my target buyers were those in my age range as some of us don’t usually receive that much money and we rely on our savings for our daily expenses most of the time.

i baked from 10am to 5pm everyday of the week whilst having meetups with my customers in the evening. it was a very exhausting process as i was also having my fasting month at the time. however, with great support from my family and the joy of putting smiles on the faces of my customers, within those 2 months, i earned close to $500. and i must say, that experience was one of my biggest achievements as a teen.

being a teen most of us prefer hanging out with friends – be it school/childhood/online friends. however, for me it’s otherwise. i find peace and joy being around my family. from a sense of humor only we can understand, to the numerous inside jokes we create, to mocking one another in the most annoying yet loving way possible (tough love they say), to supporting one another in whatever way we possibly can, my family has it all. we are also a diverse bunch, i HAVE to establish that.

two of our family members are Muslim converts, we are loud, outgoing, friendly and not to brag but all of us have huge hearts. we love voluntary work and helping anyone with whatever we are capable of. every single time i fail, i am immensely grateful to be able to have my family pick me up, always.

this right here, is my most favorite thing to do. but also only because i’m privileged enough to be able to experience it. i absolutely love to dress up. my uncle brings me to these Suria award shows once every year and this was my favorite outfit out of all the 4 times ive been there the past 4 years. getting front row seats, seeing my favorite actors and singers bring me immense joy. i told myself that one day, i’ll make it up there.

i love seeing the media industry flourish. it just brings me contentment. i hope that once i work my way towards achieving my dreams in becoming someone successful in the media industry, i am able to be of valuable asset to this industry. not only that, i also intend to make an impact on society by making a difference using the platform i will build with the key values that i strongly hold on to including compassion, empathy and optimism.